Peter Schickele died this last January. I never knew him, but I learned a lot from him. Through his funny albums and radio show, perhaps the central lesson was a reminder of that there is real joy of not taking yourself too seriously while also honoring and enjoying classical music and other fine things in life. There are plans to re-release his radio show as a podcast. I hope that happens.

If you want to get to know him, there were a several memorials shared in January. Here’s one example: Fresh Air shared a remembrance along with an interview he did with Terry Gross in 1985. It’s a great introduction to Schickele, his life, and his larger-than-death character, P. D. Q. Bach.

Or you can just jump in like I did in the 80s and 90s by listening, laughing, and being a little confused. Here are a few of my favorites that I’ve rediscovered over the last couple months.
